This Week’s Word Count – 3 Feb

Cover for The Burn Letter – done! Cover for Rim Country Rivals – done (I think…I may still revise a little thing here or there).

Rim Country Rivals – 8,474

The Burn Letter – 4,297 – still re-outlining/working out subplots

Murder of a Makeup Queen – 24,362

(Non-fiction WIP) – 3,851 – outlining – re-working

Yes, yes, I’m still outlining things. Even in my non-fiction works I find myself going down a different path at times and I have to revise and re-work as necessary. This week I will likely print out what I have for the non-fic and rearrange a few things and condense other things.

I will also be figuring out deadlines for my big projects so I can hunker down and concentrate according to looming dates.